style number: hair-wholesale-1
Wholesale hair accessory, elastic hair band
style number: hair-wholesale-2
Gift for teen wholesale, fashion hair accessory set
style number: hair-wholesale-3
Girls love gift wholesale, fashion hair band in plastic bag
style number: hair-wholesale-4
Wholesale body accessory, fashion elastic hair band
style number: hair-wholesale-5
Hair fashion trend, flower design fashion elastic hair band
style number: hair-wholesale-6
Birthday gift for girls, assorted design fashion elastic hair band set
style number: hair-wholesale-7
style number: hair-wholesale-8
Wholesale teen hair accessory, fashion hair clip and elastic band pack
style number: hair-wholesale-9
Lady's fashion trend, butterfly fashion hair clip with cz
style number: hair-wholesale-10
Hair decor supply, fashion hair brush clip with cz
style number: hair-wholesale-11
Wholesale hair supply, assorted double fashion hair clip set
style number: hair-wholesale-15
Gift accessory for kids, purple hair clip with boy holding flower decor
style number: hair-wholesale-16
Beaded product wholesaler, beaded red hair band with boy holding flower decor
style number: hair-wholesale-17
Wholesale flower hair accessory, double boy holding flower fashion hair band
style number: hair-wholesale-18
Bridal hair accessory, pure white hair band with girl bear holding flower on butterfly knot
style number: hair-wholesale-19
Valentine gift trend, yellow butterfly knot hair band with loving couple bear holding flower central decor
style number: hair-wholesale-20
Wholesale wedding hair accessory, butterfly knot blue hair band with loving couple bear holding flower decor
style number: hair-wholesale-21
Hair accessories for X-mas, red butterfly knot elastic hair band with Santa holding candy cane pattern central decor
style number: hair-wholesale-22
Wholesale gift for lovers, heart love bear yellow elastic hair band
style number: hair-wholesale-23
Kid's birthday gift accessory, heart love bear yellow hair clip
style number: hair-wholesale-24
Children hair accessories, purple elliptical hair clip with yellow bear holding flower decor
style number: hair-wholesale-25
Accessory clip hair supply, purple flower hair clip with heart love twins baby bear decor
style number: hair-wholesale-26
Wholesale kid's hair decor, blue lase flower hair clip with baby bear doing acrobatic move
style number: hair-wholesale-27
Hair supply for children, fashion hair clip with double acrobatic baby bear decor
style number: hair-wholesale-28
2005 kids hair accessory trend, red beaded acribatic baby bear hair clip and hair band set
style number: hair-wholesale-29
Wholesale accesory hair decor, fashion hair clip with acrobatic baby bear decor